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The height at which floating TV units should be mounted on the wall is something to take into account, and it is something over which I have seen many a husband and wife quarrel. There are many factors to take into account, and you can be restricted in certain ways by the location of floating TV units. It actually depends on your room and how you want to view it while seated. Installing two TVs at the same height will not be a smart idea since, for example, you will probably be sitting up straight when watching TV in your living room and likely lying down when viewing in your bedroom.


Before I go any further, I just want to make sure that everyone is aware that finding the ideal floating TV units installation height varies from room to room depending on factors like TV size and viewing distance. I'd also want to direct your attention to a few prior posts on this topic that might assist you in choosing the best TV wall bracket and figuring out how much to pay a specialist to install your TV.

As there are more people who disagree than who agree, there is only one major rule that applies to this situation. However, according to the law, the TV's centre should be at eye level for viewers who are seated, creating a zero-degree angle. Since many people tend to lie down when watching floating TV units, I personally think that going a little higher looks nicer. If you take this into account, a zero-degree angle wouldn't really be appropriate.


Because everything boils down to preference, there isn't really a right or wrong response. If you were to ask ten individuals where they believed the ideal height for televisions to be, you would likely receive ten different responses. I advise you to ask the family or the person who will be viewing TV before you begin drilling holes in your wall. However, I will admit that the average person prefers to have their TV put higher than is necessary. Keep in mind that you will typically be sitting down to watch TV, so it might be helpful to see things from that perspective when deciding on your floating TV units height.


Should I put my floating TV units at what height? you might ask me in person. I would respond in the predetermined manner. "Eye level is ideal, but I prefer a little higher." I normally add that they should keep in mind that they will probably be sitting down to see the thing. When additional factors are taken into account, what may be correct for one TV wall installation may be entirely incorrect for another.

Calculate where the centre of the TV would be when you are seated if you wish to use the recommended height, which is actually fairly easy. To determine the centre of your floating TV units, first determine its height and then divide it by two. Now, while seated in your viewing position, gauge the height of your eye level. typically seated on your sofa. You can have someone measure from the floor to your eye level height for you if they have a tape measure. If no one is around to assist you, doing this on your own is actually fairly simple. Once you have this measurement, just subtract half of the floating TV units height to get the location of the TV's bottom. Obviously, if you live with someone who is 7', this will be a different height than someone who is more normal in height, but it's a decent general estimate. This may be much less than what you had planned to set your TV at, but as I previously stated, I personally enjoy it a little higher. If installed at the "optimal" position, I just believe they appear too low while standing up. This indicates that you might wish to raise the bar a little bit, but not too far, since doing so would cause neck pain and possibly even strain. I've put floating TV units up on walls for clients at the right heights, only for them to come back later and ask me to lower them because watching TV was hurting their necks. I can't emphasise enough how important it is to think about your viewing position rather than just what looks best in the space, which can be at the same height as mirrors or images that have been mounted on the wall, etc.

To keep out of the reach of the children is a very typical reason why TVs are installed on walls, especially for families or parents of small children like toddlers. When I arrive at a customer's home and discover the screen covered with palm and finger prints, it still makes me laugh. I can remember how it felt to not have our TV mounted on the wall when my kids were tiny. The TV falling on a small child, though, would be far less amusing. Get the floating TV units placed on the wall and out of the way for this reason. My opinion is that the height should be just out of reach, maybe an extra foot or two. You should also think about where your AV equipment will be located, including your satellite set-top boxes, DVD/ Blu-ray players, sound systems, and gaming consoles, as well as where the connecting connections will go. It's important to remember that your viewing apparatus doesn't have to be in front of the floating TV units. It can actually go anyplace, like hidden behind a cabinet. Just cables would be needed to connect this place. This could need a little bit more installation work, but the peace of mind from knowing that no cables will be ripped, etc. would make it worthwhile. You should also think about how you will operate the machinery. This will probably function just fine if your controllers or phones are Bluetooth-capable. You should think about putting some infrared eyes and transmitters if it operates via infrared. There are many various varieties available on the market that can address this kind of issue.


For a family with a few small children who had smashed their previous TV by tipping it over, I once mounted a floating TV units on a wall. They decided to mount their new TV on the wall because they wanted to prevent this circumstance. Naturally, they picked a height that was a little bit over the recommended ideal but was still reasonable. However, when it came time to mounting the AV shelves, items like the Virgin Media and gaming console would be placed there because that is where they would typically be located. They chose to have it placed above the floating TV units since they wanted to keep this out of reach and were constrained in where else they could put it. The installation required me to use a step ladder, which took some getting used to, but it was quite successful in keeping all the equipment out of the children's reach, making them very pleased.


TV Mounting Above Fireplaces


Even though I did this myself at my previous address, I must say that it isn't always the best solution. Since electrical devices really don't appreciate heat, especially given that heat rises, I would advise situating the floating TV units somewhere else if the fireplace is an active, in-use fireplace. Another reason why mounting floating TV units above fireplaces may not be a smart idea relies on the height of the fireplace. The TV will naturally finish rather high. Having said that, mounting a TV over a fireplace is frequently a sensible choice. Over the years, the fireplace would normally have served as the room's centre point, with furnishings arranged around it. This has altered over time such that the TV now predominates the space, and a TV placed above a fireplace may look pretty attractive, despite being a little high while you view it. If you're thinking of putting your floating TV units above the fireplace, you might want to think about using a tilting TV wall bracket so you can adjust the angle of the screen to suit your viewing preference.


Optimal TV Height for a Bedroom


Here's an instance where the ideal TV height of having your eyes level with the middle of the screen wouldn't really make sense. Similar to bedrooms, you're far more likely to be watching floating TV units when lying in bed. I know, it's a terrible habit, but we all do it these days! This implies that the TV would have to be put on the ceiling right above you. I don't know about you, but that alone would keep me up at night, let alone the TV. Or if you position it at the same height as your couch, your neck will develop a persistent crick.


You want to set the floating TV units in your bedroom higher than you normally would in your living room. I would suggest a few feet from the ceiling, but it really depends on the size of the TV and how close you want to be near it. A tilting TV wall mount, which enables the screen to be oriented toward your viewing position, may also be something you want to think about adding.


Kitchen's Best TV Height


Once again, in this scenario, the height in your kitchen will likely not be optimal for seeing while seated from your couch. It's challenging to offer general guidance on what the optimal height will be for you because kitchens differ significantly from house to home. You must first choose your primary viewing spot. From my experience, floating TV units  in kitchens are typically put so that you can watch TV while performing other tasks, such as preparing dinner or doing the dishes, thus you will probably want to go higher with the completed TV wall mounting height. But you could also wish to watch TV while seated at the dinner table. Although I would have thought that having a TV put at eye level while eating dinner could be a bit much, whatever floats your boat, I guess. Personally, I believe that it is OK to install the TV "too high" in the circumstance. Installing a tilting wall bracket or a full motion wall bracket will allow you to swivel the TV around to face different viewing positions, providing you the most freedom, and most also allow the TV screen to tilt down, if you plan on watching the TV in a few different areas around the kitchen.


The ideal viewing angle for TVs mounted on floating TV units


I believe it is helpful to consider how satisfied you were with the height when the floating TV units was mounted on a stand when considering the best viewing angles for TVs. It's likely that you won't want to climb much higher if you were content at this height. Additionally, it will be more challenging to conceal your connections the higher you go, and you could need to get longer cords.


Maximum TV viewing angle: 15 degrees at a maximum viewing angle of 0 degrees to the centre or bottom of the screen (my opinion)


I hope you enjoyed reading this article and that it was helpful in determining the ideal TV height for your TV. Please DO LEAVE A COMMENT in the blog comment box below if you have any questions, and I would be happy to assist you.

what is required to attach your television

Here are a few items you'll need before beginning the floating TV units installation process:

  • Stud finder: Mount your floating TV units to a stud for optimal stability rather than drywall unless you want a TV tragedy. Otherwise, you can have a costly disaster on your hands.
  • Power drill: Mounting the TV could take some time if you try it with a screwdriver. For this endeavour, a power drill will help move things along more quickly.
  • A variety of drill bits

o A carbide-tipped masonry bit can be used to create pilot holes in the walls for mounting screws.

You'll need this Phillips head drill bit to insert the mounting screws.

No one wants to watch crooked television, so don't rely on your eyes for this one. Make sure your freshly floating TV units is level with a level. This can prevent you from having a misaligned TV and from making needless holes in your wall.

  • TV mount: You obviously need a floating TV units that is rated for your model of TV in order to attach your TV to your wall. Get a TV mount that matches the VESA mount dimensions listed in your TV's manual. And if you need assistance choosing a mount, just ask! See our selection of the top TV mounts right here.
  • Tape for painting (optional): Mark the wall studs you've located with a little piece of painters tape. The fact that you won't have to write on your wall and that this is much easier to read than a pencil mark is always a plus in our book.
  • A companion (optional): It's awkward to move huge, heavy TVs. Trying to keep one stable while aligning brackets is a recipe for disaster unless you're far more coordinated than we are. For greatest outcomes, enlist a buddy.

Don't forget to handle your cables.

You don't want your floating TV units to have a lot of cords and TV antennae hanging from it. That will effectively destroy the entire sleek vibe you were striving for. There are a few choices for cable management, which is fortunate.

  • Keep them concealed behind a wall. If you want to hide them behind a shelf or other piece of furniture, you may knot them neatly together and route them through the wall.

Purchase a cover. You may buy coverings that blend in with your wall's colour and provide an easy solution to conceal cords.

How to install your floating TV units on a wall

If you already possess all you want, fantastic! Let's get started with the finest wall-mounting technique for your floating TV units.

  1. Choose the location where you wish to place the TV. For the finest visual quality, viewing angles are frequently crucial, so carefully evaluate your position. In addition to being more labour, moving the TV after the fact will also leave useless holes in your wall. Since a fireplace is typically a prominent feature of the room, placing your TV over one is a popular choice.
  2. Make use of a stud finder to locate the wall studs. When your stud finder shows that a stud has been located, move it across the wall. When it does, mark the location with some painters tape so you can recall it.
  3. Make your pilot holes and drill them. These are the little holes that your mounting screws will use to attach to the wall. For this, you should probably have a partner.

o Place the mount against the wall. To make sure it is straight, use a level.

o Lightly indicate with a pencil where you will drill holes to fasten it to the wall.

o Using your drill and a masonry bit, drill holes where you indicated with the mount.

  1. Fasten the wall-mounting bracket. Drill the mounting screws into the pilot holes you produced in the previous step while holding the mount against the wall.
  2. Mount the floating TV units using the mounting plate.

o If you haven't already, take the TV's stand off first.

o Find the holes where the mounting plate attachments are located on the floating TV units back. Sometimes they have plastic coverings or already have screws in them. If so, get rid of them.

o Use the included hardware to fasten the plate to the TV's back.

  1. Attach the floating TV units to the wall. This is the last action! Re-grab your spouse, since doing this on your own might be challenging.

o Carefully lift the TV using your legs, not your back! We don't want any accidents to spoil the enjoyment.


Following the manufacturer's directions, align the mounting arm or plate on the TV with the bracket on the wall. Always follow the directions because this might differ from one mount to the next.

  1. Relish your newly installed floating TV units!

That's all, then! Enjoy living the high life while unwinding and relaxing in front of a floating TV units.

FAQs about TV wall mounting


How can a TV be mounted on a wall without the cords showing?


A TV cable cover kit is available that allows you to conceal your cables inside a wall-mounted plastic tube. Additionally, cable access plates are available for purchase, allowing you to run wires behind a wall.


How much would it cost you to mount your floating TV units?

Do I need to mount my TV to the wall?


If you don't want to buy a TV stand or want to enlarge the viewing area in your living room, mounting a TV on your wall can be a smart solution.


Does hanging a floating TV units cause wall damage?


To install floating TV units, you'll need to drill a hole in your wall; everytime you take the mount down, your wall will need to be patched. But if you place your TV into drywall without utilising a stud, your wall will probably sustain significant damage.

Installing a floating TV units to a wooden stud is the ideal method for mounting it on a wall. In this manner, you'll have a sturdy foundation for your TV, which, depending on its size, might weigh up to 90 pounds.

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